Latest Past Courses
CENA Trauma Nursing Program (TNP)
NCCTRC Training Facility - RDH 8th floor, 105 Rocklands Dr, TiwiNumber of participants: Min 12 / Max 18 CENA's Trauma Nursing Program (TNP) builds upon your knowledge of the pathophysiology and epidemiology of common trauma conditions presenting to the Emergency Department, as well as providing the opportunity to improve clinical skills in key trauma related areas. Pre-requisite: Basic levels of competency in certain skills such as Basic…
ARC Advanced Life Support (ALS) Level 2 Recertification
NCCTRC Training Facility - RDH 8th floor, 105 Rocklands Dr, TiwiRegistration closes: 9 Sep 22 Number of participants: Min 12 / Max 18 This is a 1-day Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Advanced Life Support (ALS) course for registered health professionals requiring reaccreditation for ALS Level 2 and who hold a current ARC ALS 2 Certificate. Number of positions: 18 Pre-Requisite Applicants are required to forward…
Hospital MIMMS Course (HMIMMS)
NCCTRC Training Facility - RDH 8th floor, 105 Rocklands Dr, TiwiRegistration closes: 21 Sep 22 Number of participants: Min 12 / Max 18 While traditional MIMMS teaches a structured approach to responding at the scene of mass casualty incidents, Hospital MIMMS (HMIMMS) focusses on the delivery of care in the hospital environment. This 2 day course explores the priorities and responsibilities of clinical and administrative…